What Is Anxiety?

  • You feel worried all the time about what could go wrong.

  • It’s difficult to sleep at night because your thoughts are racing and you dread the next day.

  • Making decisions is difficult because you’re worried that you’re making the wrong choice.

  • You worry about how you come across to others and dread going into social settings.

  • Stress causes your heart to beat fast, your muscles to feel tense, and sometimes its difficult to breathe.

Where anxiety shows up



You worry about doing or saying the wrong thing. This worry then makes you overanalyze everything you do and harshly judge yourself when you’re around others. You either censor yourself out of fear of saying the wrong thing or you become quiet and withdraw from conversations. Being the center of attention is frightening and you tend to stay in the background.


You constantly feel stressed to get work done and be productive. You obsess about mistakes you made and worry that you’re going to get in trouble. You fluctuate between being extremely productive and excessively procrastinating. Work always seems to feel stressful and you have trouble disengaging your thoughts when you leave. You dread going into work and wish you could quit.


Even when things are calm, your mind finds something to worry about. Finding time to relax is difficult because you always feel like you need to be getting something done. You are always worried about the next thing and struggle with enjoying the moment. Life feels like an endless to-do list that you’re struggling to complete.

Therapy can help you

  1. Reduce feelings of worry and dread.

  2. Develop boundaries to avoid burnout and have better work life balance.

  3. Feel more confident in social settings and be less in your head.

  4. Learn how to calm your thoughts and to reduce feeling panic.

  5. Enjoy life and be more in the moment.

Struggling with anxiety? Let’s talk about how I can help.

Phone: (615) 802-6493

Email: Joe@joerustumtherapy.com

Address: 762 East Argyle Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203 &

1604 Westgate Circle Suite 150, Brentwood, TN 37027